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The size of your contributions should be within the limit of 10 pages (c. 18.000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and bibliography) and 5 plates / illustrations. Scanned illustrations should have the high resolution of 300 DPI (or JPG). In case more text or illustration space is needed, please consult it with us.

The publication of all photographs of art works and documentation housed in libraries, museums or private collections requires a written permission of their legal owners.

We would appreciate it if you could kindly follow the guidelines below. This will facilitate editorial work and help to preserve a uniform character of the volume.

1. Italics. Please apply italics to the following:

- all quotations from foreign languages, as well as single foreign terms

- titles of  the works of art and literary works, titles of books, but not the titles of articles.

2. No italics. Please use normal (Roman) style in case of quotations in English with quotation     marks.  

3. Footnotes and bibliography :

Bibliographic references in footnotes should have a unified form, as in the example:
for books

Reference in the footnote:

Yatim (2006 : 12-24)

Corresponds to the bibliographic entry:

Yatim  2006 = Othman Mohd. Yatim, Batu Aceh. Early Islamic Gravestones in Peninsular   Malaysia, Museum Association of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 2006 (2nd  ed.): 12-24.          

for articles

Reference in the footnote:

Ginter  (2005: 143-154).

Corresponds to the bibliographic entry:

Ginter  2005 = Magdalena Ginter: “Motywy literackie w miniaturach perskich ze zbiorów polskich” (Literary Motifs in Persian Miniatures from the Polish Collections), Torunskie Studia o Sztuce Orientu (Torun Studies on Oriental Art), 2 (2005): 143-154.

Eaton (2006: 240-245).

Corresponds to the bibliographic entry:

Eaton 2006 = Natasha Eaton, “Nostalgia for the Exotic: Creating an Imperial Art in London”, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 39/2 (2006): 227-250.

Cartier (1998: 22-27).

Corresponds to the bibliographic entry:

Cartier 1998 = Michel Cartier, “Le despotisme chinois. Montesquieu et Quesnay, lecteurs de Du Halde”, in : Chine entre amour et haine. Actes du VIIIe colloque de sinologie de Chantilly,  Michel Cartier (ed.), Paris 1998: 15-32.                       

for a volume with an editor:

Reference in the footnote:

Malinowski (2008).

Corresponds to the bibliographic entry:

Malinowski 2008 = Malinowski, Jerzy (ed.): Sztuka Dalekiego Wschodu. Studia (Art of the Far East. Studies), Neriton, Warszawa  2008.

for an exhibition catalogue:

Reference in the footnote:

Encounters (2004: 128-133).

Corresponds to the bibliographic entry:

Encounters 2004 = Encounters. The Meeting of Asia and Europe 1500-1800,  Anna Jackson, Amin Jaffer (eds.), exhibition cat.,  Victoria & Albert Museum, London 2004: 128-133.

for primary sources (unpublished):

We write the name of archives or library (in parenthesis we put the original name in Latin transcription and – if need be – its abbreviation), city, signature of archival file, the title of the source, its date and folio (page) number, marking it “r.” (recto) or “v.” verso) if required.

When the archives name is cited more than once, write out both the full version and the abbreviation at first occurrence.

Please do not use such bibliographic references as ibid., op. cit. etc. in footnotes.  

Titles in foreign languages should be supplied with their English  translation in brackets.

The bibliography should be placed at the end of the paper.

The bibliography should mention only those works which are explicitly quoted or referred to in the paper.